Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hi, yall

I'm listening to "For a Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic" by Paramore.
It's a good song.
So, yeah.
Why don't you comment on what you're favorite songs are?
No one really comments anymore, so I try to come up with topics to comment on.

-Billie Jean


Faith-Hope-Love-Joy said...

i want 2 comment!!! im just realllllly busy. . . . anyway, right now i really like kryptonite by 3 doors down, and numb by linkin park

Anonymous said...

i like sounds that make you feel good, does not matter who wrote them, or sings them. just need them to be positive and drowned out the news.

Anonymous said...

songs rather than sounds would be good, but either one is fine.

Cheryl said...

Yes, I like positive songs too but sometimes the best song is the one that says just what you are feeling at the time!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Emma,
Is that one off the Twilight soundtrack? Can't remember. I never knew of Paramore until Twilight. I like them so far! By the way, are you Billy Jean???

Anonymous said...

doobidy dooo da....

Billie Jean said...

No, it's not one on the Twilight soundtrack. I heard Paramore on the soundtrack and then I really liked them so I asked for one of their CD's for Christmas. I got one.

Billie Jean said...

I'm Billie Jean because "Billie Jean" is a Michael Jackson song.

smiley buddy 4ever said...

AUG!!! Your hard question is making me use that thing people call a "brain" after school on a Friday!! jk. I really like, no LOVE, No Floods by Lady GaGa. It's a demo from when she was 17. It was just released and is PHENOMENAL!! Oh yeah, I also like Pretty Fly (For a White Guy) by The Offspring. That song is HILARIOUS!!!

Billie Jean said...

lol i love your icon liz!!!!!

smiley buddy 4ever said...

lolz, thx

smiley buddy 4ever said...

i love urs 2