Friday, July 10, 2009


Hi, yall

WOW it has been FOREVER since I've been on blogger.

-Billie Jean

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Captain James Kirk

Hi, yall

I went to see Star Trek in theaters on Friday!
It was a really good movie. I loved it.
So yeah. I recommend it. Yeah.

Well, bye for now!

-Billie Jean

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Harry Potter

Hi, yall

Not very many people have gone to Bewitch the Mind and Ensnare the Senses! Liz is the only person who has! Well, and my mom. But she lives with me, so she knows about it. I know more of you have read Harry Potter! Just take a look at the blog.

"Well... when we were in our first year, Harry - young, carefree, and innocent-"
Harry snorted. He doubted whether Fred and George had ever been innocent.
"-Well, more innocent than we are now - we got into a spot of bother with Filch."
"We let off a Dungbomb in the corridor and it upset him for some reason -"
"So he hauled us up to his office ans started threatening us with the usual -"
" - detention - "
" - disembowelment - "
" - and we couldn't help noticing a drawer in one of his filing cabinets marked Confiiscated and Highly Dangerous." ... From, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

-Billie Jean

Monday, May 4, 2009


Hi, yall

The tulips are blooming and Tulip Time has begun! Yay! Our band gets to play in all three parades! I can't wait! Especially when we march in the Saturday parade! So many people are going to be watching and some of them will get to see us play Thriller! I can't wait!

Okay, anyway, I have to go buy my band pants right now.

"Thinking of starting up S.P.U.G. of something? Society for the Protection of Ugly Goblins?" -Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Have fun yall!

-Billie Jean

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bewitch the Mind and Ensnare the Senses

Hi, yall

I just made a new blog! It's called "Bewitch the Mind and Ensnare the Senses"
Here's the URL:

It's a Harry Potter blog. Check it out, if you want to!

Have fun, yall!

"I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses..." -Severus Snape

-Billie Jean

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ice Water

Hi, yall

I can't wait for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! The movie is gonna be SOOOO GOOD! I watched trailers for it last night, and it looks like it's going to be AMAZING!

Have fun, yall!

-Billie Jean

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Geo Genius Two

Hi, yall

Ian was over here today, and we were playing with this electronic game called Geo Genius Two. All it could say was "The tree frog, a--" and then it cut off. Then, all of a sudden, there was this terrible buzzing noise. We saw that it was the Geo Genius thing, and we whacked it repeatedly, but the noise only changed pitches! It was really funny.

-Billie Jean

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The End

Hi, yall

I'll be shutting down this blog now, and starting a new one called "Hallows or Horcruxes" that will be a Harry Potter fan club blog.

Good luck, have fun and farewell.

-Billie Jean

Monday, March 30, 2009

Remote Control

Hi, yall

We always loose our remotes. Always. It's awful.

-Billie Jean

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Hi, yall

I LOVE the Harry Potter books! They're my favorite book series ever! Yay!
The books are way better than the movies though. As usual.

So anyway, SPRING BREAK is coming up! Hooray! Our spring break starts on Thursday! I'm so happy!

"So- straight to it. Curses. They come in many strengths and forms. Now, according to the Ministry of Magic, I'm supposed to teach you countercurses and leave it at that. I'm not supposed to show you what illegal Dark curses look like until you're in the sixth year. You're not supposed to be old enough to deal with it till then. But Professor Dumbledore's got at a higher opinion of your nerves, he reckons you can cope, and I say, the sooner you know what you're up against, the better. How are you supposed to defend yourself against something you've never seen? A wizard who's about to put an illegal curse on you isn't going to tell you what he's about to do. He's not going to do it nice and polite to your face. You need to be prepared. You need to be alert and watchful. You need to put that away, Miss Brown, when I'm talking." -Mad-Eye Moody, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Have fun.
-Billie Jean

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Hi, yall

I'm really excited because our band gets to play Thriller in the Tulip Time parades!
We also have to play another song called Winchester March, which is kind of boring, but I'm still so happy about Thriller!

Have fun, yall, and remember to mark time!

-Billie Jean

Monday, March 23, 2009


Hi, yall

Okay- So I was all geared up for track, right? And then I went to the first practice and it was actually pretty miserable. I know that I should to a sport, but I really, really don't want to do track anymore. I love running, but I think I should run by myself and not compete. Ugh! I know I'm a quitter, but I feel like I can't do track anymore! It was just miserable. (Yes! I KNOW it was only the first practice, but I just... I really, acutally hated it.)

Well. Anyway. Have fun.

-Billie Jean

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Star Wars

Hi, yall
I'm having trouble deciding if I should root for the Sith or the Jedi. It's difficult.
I mean, there's Darth Vader on the Dark Side, but Han Solo and Luke with the Jedi!
Ah! I can't decide!

Well, have fun, yall.
-Billie Jean

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

DVD Player

Hi, yall

I love The Office. It's my favorite show ever! My favorite character is Dwight... and I also like Andy.
What's YOUR favorite TV show???

"I always say 'beer me'. It gets a laugh, like, a quarter of the time." -Andy

Have fun, yall!!

-Billie Jean

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cooking Mama

Hi, yall


Now you can count in Spanish!


Have fun counting in Spanish, yall.

-Billie Jean

Monday, March 2, 2009

I love Jell-o

Hi, yall


Now you know how to count to ten. Congratulations.

Have fun counting, yall

-Billie Jean

Friday, February 27, 2009


Hi, yall

Ned came to our school today, and I'm going to buy a 15$ yo-yo from him. I'm getting the one called "Cosmic Spin". It's awesome. I get to have it on Monday! That's when they're going to start selling them, anyway. So yeah. It's awesome. Ned was pretty cool... he's kind of geared toward younger kids, though.

Never give up Encourage others Do your best.


Have fun,

-Billie Jean

Friday, February 20, 2009


Hi, yall

Sorry, I haven't posted in a while.

Madeline has been sick all week! It's awful! I feel so bad for her.

We DIDN'T get a snow day on Thursday! I thought FOR SURE that we would!

So that's really the only big news, yall.

"He told me that when I die, I will receive total consciousness. So I got that goin' for me, which is nice." Carl the Greens Keeper from Caddyshack

Have fun, yall.

-Billie Jean

Sunday, February 15, 2009

President's Day

Hi, yall

So we have tomorrow off for Mid-Winter break, which happens to be on the same day as President's day. I think they planned it that way on purpose.
But anyway, Zoe and I have to do an entire project tomorrow that's due on Tuesday. It won't be fun. But we're hoping that if we finish it early enough we'll be able to go see the movie "Confessions of a Shopoholic" tomorrow afternoon!

Have fun, yall

"There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who like Neil Diamond, and those who don't." -Bob, from What About Bob?

-Billie Jean

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hi, yall

I'm listening to "For a Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic" by Paramore.
It's a good song.
So, yeah.
Why don't you comment on what you're favorite songs are?
No one really comments anymore, so I try to come up with topics to comment on.

-Billie Jean

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cape Coral

Hi, yall

Sorry, but I had to say it because it's MY blog. So, how's it going over there in the cold? Haha.
Okay, so I have exciting news. Well, it's exciting for me. My uncle gave me and all my girl cousins, MacBook Laptops. I can't BELIEVE it. It's amazing.

So, anyway, sorry, it's been a while since I've written on here, but I haven't had anything to write ABOUT.

So, yeah.

Have yourselves some fun, yall.

-Billie Jean


Friday, January 16, 2009

Another New Template

Hi, yall

I chose another new template.

So, yeah...

Mario Kart is such a fun game. I love it!
My favorite characters are Toad and Luigi. Who are YOUR favorite characters in Mario?

"Bwahahahahahaha" -Bowswer

Have fun on your weekend, yall.

-Billie Jean

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hi, yall

Well, it's January 15!!!!! LET'S HEAR A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR JANUARY FIFTEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Hi, yall

I'm sick again! I have a bad cough and a head ache. 

So yeah.

Thursday, January 1, 2009