Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Economy

The economy really sucks right now. (Sorry about the word 'sucks'. It just seemed like the only way to describe my point.) I mean, that whole tragedy on Wall Street and everything is really bad. I mean, I'm only twelve. This is MY future, and I don't want it to be filled with pollution and way too little real-estate value. Plus, global warming is a terrible issue, and not enough people who can say something care about it. The BPW wants to burn MORE coal, and that would NOT help the pollution problem.

When I was little, I always wanted to live in a big house with two cats and a family. And I mean a BIG house. As in MANSION. So, now, I'm afraid that by the time I'm old enough to get a job, there won't be any and I won't have very much money. Then I won't be able to afford a big house, let alone a MANSION. Me and my friends really have to step it up a notch and MAKE THE ECONOMY BETTER! I don't want my future to be like this, and neither should you.

-Billie Jean

Monday, September 29, 2008


Remember that life is only a party if you want it to be.

- Billie Jean

Daily Life

So, here we enter day two of my blog's existence. I'll tell you a little bit more about my life now, but not too too much. So, my school starts at 7:45 (am, of course) and my first class is Spanish or Gym (our school rotates Spanish and Gym every other day) and then I go to Science. After Science I have Social Studies (History) and then a free period. I have the free period because I have PATH, a class at Hope College, for Comm. Arts (English) and it has a large work load. Then I head to Math, and then on to Lunch. (I hope I'm not boring you yet) After Lunch and outdoor time (It's not called recess anymore, sadly) I go to Band. I play the trumpet. Drama (Speech and Theatre) is my last class of the day, and the funnest. (Yes, I am aware that 'funnest' isn't a word. It's just a lot more fun to say than most fun.) After Drama I come home and do my homework. Homework is mainly responsible for the Outhouse part of the party of my life. It's dull. After homework I usually get together with one of my friends or something. Recently, the neighborhood has been playing Capture the Flag at seven every night. On Wednsdays, I usually go to Church Youth Group.

So, there's a day in the life of Billie Jean. It's a lot more fun than it sounds, trust me. Just like I said, my life is a party with lots of homework and some other problems, but mostly, it's a pary.

Have fun, yall.

- Billie Jean

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jonas Brothers

I love the Jonas Brothers. They have good music. I love the songs Year 3000 and Just Friends and BB Good and Pushing Me Away and all of them. So yeah. Joe is my favorite, but I like them all. Yes. So, I'll post again tomorrow.

-Billie Jean

Capture the Flag

I love Capture the Flag. We're going to play it a seven thirty tonight. My friend Ella says hi. She wants everyone to know that. She's planning to make a blog. She wants it to be about energy saving. GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyway... yeah.

I'm listening to a Jonas Brothers song right now. It's called BB Good to me. YEAH!!!

Ella just got licked by a cat. She's very excited.

GO YODA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darth Vader will prevail!

Okay dokey then. See yall later

- Billie Jean

Poor Dad

Note to self: Dad should never put me on his shoulders again.

Yeah. So, yesterday, Dad and I were at the Pull (Hope College tug of war between the freshmen and the sophomores) and he put me on his shoulders so I could see better. He seems to have forgotten that I now weigh about ninety pounds, a lot more than the last time he gave me a ride. He now has a pinched nerve. Poor Dad.

Anyway, I'm Billie Jean (not really, I'm a Michael Jackson fan. My real name is Emma) And I just created this blog. (No duh.) I called it Party in the Outhouse because that's sort of my life. It's fun, just like a party, but it has it boring and bad parts, as if the party is in an outhouse. Thankfully, I have a good number of friends, so the party's always fun. Usually.

I'm a seventh grader. Yeah, it's fun, but I liked sixth grade better. Oh well. I'll live.

I could tell you all about myself, but I won't because there's a lot to tell and I don't want to bore you.

So, yeah. There's me. WHOO HOO!

- Billie Jean