Saturday, March 28, 2009

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Hi, yall

I LOVE the Harry Potter books! They're my favorite book series ever! Yay!
The books are way better than the movies though. As usual.

So anyway, SPRING BREAK is coming up! Hooray! Our spring break starts on Thursday! I'm so happy!

"So- straight to it. Curses. They come in many strengths and forms. Now, according to the Ministry of Magic, I'm supposed to teach you countercurses and leave it at that. I'm not supposed to show you what illegal Dark curses look like until you're in the sixth year. You're not supposed to be old enough to deal with it till then. But Professor Dumbledore's got at a higher opinion of your nerves, he reckons you can cope, and I say, the sooner you know what you're up against, the better. How are you supposed to defend yourself against something you've never seen? A wizard who's about to put an illegal curse on you isn't going to tell you what he's about to do. He's not going to do it nice and polite to your face. You need to be prepared. You need to be alert and watchful. You need to put that away, Miss Brown, when I'm talking." -Mad-Eye Moody, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Have fun.
-Billie Jean


Faith-Hope-Love-Joy said...

YAY HARRY POTTER! Nice mug, btw. And I have to say, it's better than Twilight. HP, I mean. And HP means Harry Potter. ANYWAY!
My word is bentiess.

Billie Jean said...

Harry Potter IS better. yes. Definitely.

smiley buddy 4ever said...

hes not gonna do it nice and polite to ur face. lol i luv harry potter. the 4th is by far my fave.