Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tickets, Soundtracks and Automobiles

Hi, yall

We got tickets to see Twilight today! We ordered them on Fandango. I'm excited.

I also got the soundtrack to Twilight today. It's a really awesome CD.

I love the Cullens' cars! They're all so cool!

Okay, so now for all the interesting stuff:

  • Today I was bitten by a rabid squirrel
  • Hand sanitizer is good for your soul
  • Computers have little men inside that control everything
  • Lice are only trying to be friends. Unfortunately, they are evil, so obviously no one wants to be their friend
  • Hoops and YoYo work at "The Office"
  • Dunder Mifflin is a real company
  • Dwight Schrute is going to run for president in 2012
  • Abraham Lincoln founded SPEW
  • SPEW stands for "the Society to Promote Elfish Welfare"
  • Harry Potter was once treated by Carlisle Cullen
  • Dementors are real
  • Sharpie Markers used to work for "Ghost Busters". Then they retired
  • Computer Speakers are sometimes used to clean people's ears
  • Movie tickets aren't flammable
  • Mario Kart is a real thing. Mario is alive. He drives in the Grand Prix
  • Mr. Incredible is a real person
  • Lampshades taste like cotton candy
  • Microphones have been used to save lives
  • Hannah Montana is from Pluto
  • Spongebob is round

Have fun, yall

-Billie Jean

P.S. I know you know all of those facts are fake, but just in case, I'm going to say "ALL OF THE FACTS ABOVE ARE FALSE" just so there's no confusion. Actually, the ninth one down is true. But that's the only one.


Faith-Hope-Love-Joy said...

What showing? HOW??? I THOUGHT THEY WERE ALL SOLD OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

Billie Jean said...

We got tickets for the 7:15 showing on friday night. Fandango has lots of them, I think.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait. Hmmmm. I'm feeling thirsty...

Billie Jean said...

ha ha ha! THAT is funny

Faith-Hope-Love-Joy said...

Yeah. I got tickets from them for the 4:15 showing.
And, um, isn't it TRUE and not FALSE that SPEW stands for Society to Promote Elfish Welfare. So shouldn't you put, All the abve facts are false except the SPEW one."

smiley buddy 4ever said...

LOL I love ur list!

smiley buddy 4ever said...

I LOVE Hoops and YoYo!!!!! My friend Chloe got me a birthday card that had them on it.

smiley buddy 4ever said...

Spongebob was actually round in the Halloween episode.

Billie Jean said...

Oh yeah... he WAS round...