Thursday, October 16, 2008


Feel free to leave comments, people. No one ever really does anymore, except Liz. (Cheers to you, Liz!) I like comments. They're fun. SO LEAVE COMMENTS! Lol, you don't have to. But you should. Ok so yeah. Have fun with your happy lives. Black and Green has a day off tomorrow AND Monday. Sorry, Black and Green, but I really don't see the point in days off in OCTOBER. Schools should wait until NOVEMBER. We JUST started school.


"S. O. R. R. Y! Sorry, sorry, I LIKE PIE!" - Sarah and Laura (Two girls who were in my cabin at Camp Geneva) made up the sorry song. That quote was the sorry song. I'll tell you the tune sometime if you don't know it.


smiley buddy 4ever said...

Yeah, our long weekend doesn't really make any sense, but we HAVE been in school since August...I LIKE PIE TOO!!!

Faith-Hope-Love-Joy said...

I post comments sometimes! Like right now . . . ON MY DAY OFF! w00t!

Anonymous said...

Wooo!!!!! WE3KEND!
if I were Ian I would be saying, 'I am commenting. are you satisfied?'

Billie Jean said...

Madeline, I'm sick of your bragging. I don't mean to be mean, but ON MY DAY OF WOOT! Is kind of rubbing it in my face. And your day off makes no sense. Ian told me that it was for your teachers to grade stuff, but OUR teachers can grade and teach at THE SAME TIME.

Billie Jean said...

Sorry if that came out meanly.

smiley buddy 4ever said...

what i was told is mid-terms are coming out this long weekend. IDK.

Anonymous said...

It did come off a little...crabbily, maybe. Some good-natured ribbing can be fun, but it'd be great if you guys could just support each other in your various schools. They each have their pros and cons, you know?

~End of sage advice from your mother.

Anonymous said...

Nice, Your Mother.

Anonymous said...

Ok,this comment page is getting uncomfortable, but I'm leaving one anyway.