Thursday, October 9, 2008

Would you like fries with that?

Have you ever noticed how McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's and other fast food places all have drive throughs? And, furthermore, have you noticed how the people who work in the drive throughs are pretty hard to hear? I can't tell if the restaurants just have bad equipment or if they just aren't good at talking clearly. (NO offense if you're a fast food worker and you run the drive through.) Anyway, they always say stuff like "Would you like some fries with that?" Or "Is that all?" and stuff. My dad is really bad at ordering from those drive throughs. It's funny.

"Hey, dude, you just blow in from stupid town?" - A random fish from Spongebob


Anonymous said...


-Patrick, after the random fish from
Spongebob said that quote.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he is quite comical. What was that line about a boy toy?

smiley buddy 4ever said...

Yes, I did just blow in from stupid town, actually!

Billie Jean said...

boy toy? What do you mean, Mom?

Anonymous said...

You said you wanted your Happy Meal to come with a toy for a boy (guess you already had the girl one) and Dad got all flustered when he was ordering and that's what he said. I'd say "had to be there," but you were, and you laughed uproariously all the rest of the way to Torch Lake.